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Moline Whitson, Director
2108 NE 41st Ave
Portland, OR 97212


All Levels Home Practice

Week 3—a bit longer of a practice—feel free to edit
Nervous System Dance
Breath of Joy or Shang Hai Shuffle
Flowing Forward Bends
Knocking on Door of Life—see link under classes tab
Wide leg forward bend with neck release— hold up to 15 breaths
Garden Gate in chair or kneeling—5 or more breaths each side
Downward Facing Dog or Puppy Pose—hold to capacity
Cobra or Sphinx x 2—5-10 breaths
Opposite arm and leg lifts on belly 5 sets add a hold at the end if you like Inhale lift rt arm left leg chest and head Exhale release and repeat on the other side
Downward Facing Dog or Puppy Pose—hold to capacity
Lunge on floor or standing with chair— take rear leg arm (or both arms) overhead Hold each side 7-13 breaths
Yoga Mudra forward bend with neck release— hold up to 15 breaths
Dancing Shiva—5-10 breaths each side
Warrior 2 into side angle-7-13 breaths each side
Seated child pose (floor or chair)
Seated twist
Bridge or fish
Happy Baby